Monday, 31.03.2025
Time | Anchors | Speakers | Content | Episode | Length |
05:00 | Series | Walter Veith | Book of Hebrews | Greater than Moses | 56min |
06:45 | Series | White Horse Media | End Time Insights | AntiChrist in the Bible | 12Min |
07:00 | Lesson study | Loretta | Lessonstudy | 30.03.2025 | 05Min |
07:30 | Series | Walter Veith | Single Sermons | The Science in salvation | 57min |
08:30 | Series | Rines Swanepoel | Probing Questions That captivate the Mind | Week 5 | 00Min |
09:00 | Series | Preparing for the time of Trouble | Cultural Pollution | 28Min | |
09:45 | Series | White Horse Media | Ten commandments Abolished or Unchangeable | P2 | 26Min |
10:15 | Series | E.G.White | Child Guidance | Preparation is needed | 10Min |
11:00 | Series | Martin Smith Walter Veith | Whats up Prof | Davos, WEF, Kings, Merchants - Implemented the New Worls Order | 01H19Min |
13:15 | Series | Amazing Facts | Doug Batchelor | What is the abomination of desolation | 26Min |
14:00 | Series | Cami Oetman | Unlocking Bible Prophecies | P6 | 42Min |
14:45 | Reading | E.G.White | Acts of the Apostles | Almost thou persuaded me | 10Min |
15:30 | Series | It Is Written | tv052514 | 31.03.2025 | 27Min |
16:00 | Series | Little Light Studios | Current Events & Politics | He gets us - but what Jesus are they selling | 57Min |
17:30 | Series | It Is Written | Conversations | John Baker | 56Min |
18:30 | Series | Lesson study | 31.03.2025 | Min | |
18:45 | Series | Clash of Minds | 31.03.2025 | MIN | |
18:49 | Series | E.G.White | Reflecting Christ | 31.03.2025 | Min |
19:00 | Series | Amazing Facts | Bible Studies | Angel Messages from Space | 26Min |
19:30 | Series | Rines Swanepoel | Probing Questions that captivate the mind | Week | Min |
20:00 | Series | Walter Veith | Total Onslaught | The greatest invitation | 01H40Min |
Meet the team

Hannes Snyman

Freddie van der Linde
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Tuesday, 01.04.2025
Time | Anchors | Speakers | Content | Episode | Length |
05:00 | series | It Is Written | The Great Reset | Rx Reset | 56Min |
06:45 | series | White Horse Media | End time insights | Antichrist and the rapture | 13Min |
07:05 | Lessonstudy | Loretta | Lessonstudy | 01.04.2025 | 06Min |
07:20 | series | Walter Veith | Single Sermons | All together | 01H03Min |
08:30 | series | Jonathan Lello | Biblestudy Masterclass | 01.04.2025 | 32Min |
09:30 | series | Pavel Goia | Prayerdigm | P4 | 24Min |
10:15 | series | It Is Written | In The Word | For us | 32Min |
11:00 | series | Walter Veith, Martin Smith | What's up Prof | Spirit of Prophecy - What, Why and When is it | 01H32Min |
13:15 | series | Francois du Plessis | Treasure Series | Moses & the 18th dynasty | 26Min |
14:00 | series | Hms Richards | The transfiguration | 25Min | |
14:45 | series | E.G.White | Adventist Home | Hasty Immature Marriages | 5Min |
15:15 | series | Francois du Plessis | Betsaida | What interesting links exist between Andrew and Phillip | 19Min |
16:00 | series | Little Light Studios | Tom Hanks, SNL & deeper story everyone is missing | 20Min | |
17:15 | series | It Is Written | Conversation | Gabriël McClover | 56Min |
18:30 | Lessonstudy | Loretta | Lesson study | 01.04.2025 | Min |
18:45 | series | Clash of Minds | Maranatha | 01.04.2025 | Min |
18:49 | Reading | E.G.White | Refecting Christ | 01.04.2025 | 0Min |
19:00 | series | Amazing Facts | Bible study | God drew the plans | 26Min |
19:30 | Series | Jonathan Lello | Bible study Masterclass | 01.04.2025 | 32Min |
20:00 | Series | Walter Veith | Total Onslaught UPDATE | Secret behind secret societies | 01H39Min |